I don't care what PC Liberals say, I don't think Caitlyn Jenner is even a good person.

Eff her. I am a PC liberal and I think she is B! PC meaning I just care about others' feelings. I am a bit torn on the transgender subject because I feel as a women that the way we dress and wear our hair is a social construct so people can and should dress however they want. This person never lied in bed clutching her stomach with severe menstrual cramps or any of the other things from the female experience. I wonder if she lived in the third world where fashion isn't really a thing would a man make the change to a woman with less rights and more jobs in the home like fetching water. The only difference is the privates. If myself were born with a peen knowing I was me, would I rather have it chopped off? I guess I'll never know. But either way she doesn't stand up for LGBT rights which if she has the influence to.

/r/AdviceAnimals Thread Link - imgur.com