"I don't give a fuck" attitude only works if you don't actually give a fuck. If you care, care like a warrior.

They removed it. Didn't explain why.

Summary: You're reading TRP. You give a fuck. Pretending is for children. You should not only care about your opportunities; you should show that you care. IDGAF will set in naturally as you become more experienced.


For all you guys who are still stuck on your 10,000 Rules for Getting Ass handbook, I'm going to give you a RP reason to finally burn it.

If you really want a woman, like the one sitting across from you right now, or one standing in a club or hanging around your desk - if her very presence makes you want to rip a table in half and fuck her through the wall, then guess what: you give a shit. Approach her, make it obvious what you want, and forget the whole IDGAF shtick.

Having to constantly be Mr. I Don't Give a Fuck is played out PUA bullshit. The moment you realize you're being a man with balls, going for what you want unapologetically without having to put on some mask, you'll realize just how fucking powerful and rare "I do give a fuck, and I'm doing it anyway" really is with women. This should appeal to your sense of irony:

The guy who really doesn't give a fuck is the one who can show the whole world how much he really cares about shit.

Women are approached by fake "cool" dudes all the time. These men absolutely:

1 - Give a fuck about getting laid (There's no hiding it, stupid. Every guy cares about getting laid.)

2 - Might not give two shits about anything related to the girl they're talking with (often landing them on a date or even in a relationship with a girl they find nothing attractive/interesting about)

That's 99% of the male population: fuckers who want ass but are too pussy to show it. That makes these PUAs cookie cutter copies of every other guy they interact with, meaning she'll smell that shit no matter how many layers of game you try to throw on top of it. So it's better to just be honest. Trust me, no other guy is. They're all either flipping through their 10,000 page mental playbook or completely ignoring her. The dude who shamelessly gives a fuck stands out.


Corollary: When you actually don't give a fuck, you won't notice that's what you're doing. That's the definition.

The second you start nitpicking your behavior and thoughts and you're leaning toward a woman in the general vicinity, it's usually a good idea to figure out what it is about this chick that's pulling you in. Then guess what? You can fucking say it. Open your mouth; make words like a human being. "You look like you're so full of energy." "Damn, your ----- really caught my eye." "Holy shit, is that ---- ?"

Right now 4,000 guys are breaking their keyboards and shoving guidelines at the screen:

"Don't compliment her!"

"Honesty is for bitches!"

"Don't let her know you're interested!"

Hey assholes:

Don't compliment her if your compliment is bullshit. If it's genuine, goddamn say it. Don't hold back. Too many of you are focused on the right thing to say, you forget that women are bored as shit with men who say the right thing. Anyone who watches a few YouTube videos can say the right thing. It takes some massive balls to see her, walk up without giving yourself time to prepare any material, and just go for it. She'll notice. You'll feel it. You'll share that feeling. And it will be all about the feels, not the archetype you're running through in your head.

Constant, desperate honesty is for bitches. Honesty that you just couldn't hold in, that's edgy and ballsy. Shit that other guys wouldn't normally tell her to her face, that's hot. You haven't lived until you've turned yourself on by saying something real and consequential to a woman.

Let her know you're interested, stupid. That's the whole fucking point. Don't confuse IDGAF with some snide as version of, "Aw, there's more where she came from." There are absolutely are more, but that moment and that chance were unique. You'll never get them again. Women in your life will come and go, but if you don't give a shit about the true value of every opportunity, you'll paradoxically latch on to less opportunities as time goes on. Your life will be a string of missed opportunities because you falsely equated more women with more time.

New girls are turning 18 all the time but you're always getting older.


There are more women, but there isn't more time.

As you get older and slower and ready to slow down, you'll have a grab bag of memories from your youth. It'll either be a tiny little sack with a few nice baubles or it will be a goddamn hefty bag loaded with crazy shit. Think of the small bag as the life led mostly by the current, having a nice little cozy adventure here and there every few months or few years. The large bag is a life where you're appreciate and totally obviously give a fuck about the time you have. You can't sell the shit that's in the bag. It's only valuable to you, but I guarantee there will be a moment in your life when you'll want to say,

"I was here. Here's my proof."

And if you go around trying to pretend not to fucking care when you really do care, you'll be cheating yourself out of the real consequences that come with masculine decisive action toward something you really want.

Last corollary: We don't care about most things that happen to us in life. Cognitively, we can't. Perception and focus are limited to one thing at a time. Most of our lives will pass us by. Even if we tried to give a shit about everything every moment all day long, we couldn't even begin to scratch the surface of all the opportunities available to us. So when you start naturally giving a shit about something (noticing a woman, job opportunity, challenge), take it as a clue, not as some sort of trigger to start acting aloof and pretending to not give a shit.

Passe, uncaring attitudes are for people who don't understand the real value of the moment and don't appreciate their unique role in all this. "That guy" is a stock character in TV shows for a reason. He's identifiable, comedic, and easy to knock down.


How to not be "That Guy"

Leap before you look. See a woman who has a real, visceral effect on you? You have 3 - 5 seconds before your mind takes over. Start moving toward her now. You'll have plenty of time later to figure out what the fuck happened, rather than plenty of time telling yourself what could have happened.

Forget about pedestal/oneitis during an approach. This one will piss off a lot of people. You need to allow yourself the chance to care. After you've made the approach, gotten a number and had fun for a while, then you can start thinking about the long game. But don't start planning your harvest before you've planted the seeds. If you're constantly thinking about how you can not give a shit about her/not give a fuck before you've even set foot in her direction, then something is fundamentally wrong.

You're not putting her on a pedestal by approaching her. You're actually denying yourself the chance to put her up there.

Understand that you will naturally give less fucks as time goes on. This is key. The more women you interact with, the more sex you have, the more you encounter the same shit tests and recurring scenarios, the less fucks you will give. It's not something you have to force. It will happen naturally.

So if you're still in the phase where life is exciting and wild and you feel a thrill just from putting yourself out there, embrace that. It means you're alive. Don't try to play it off. Don't suppress it. That's the sweetness of existence, the joy that comes with having frontiers to conquer.


Give your fuck openly, instantly, and in person: If you care about something, you really can't stop yourself from caring. The harder you try not to care, the more you will prime yourself to latch onto that one object/chance/person. So if you notice that happening, approach or escalate to keep yourself from sitting back in the cheap seats mentally masturbating (or actually masturbating) about what could be.

That means if a girl gets on your radar, like you're considering approaching her at all, just fucking do it now. The longer you wait, the more you will care simply about talking to her. Think of the timeline from noticing her to approaching her like this -

5 minutes later: Still thinking about talking to her. Talking to her has become this big golden goal. If only you can talk to her, that will make everything great. Gotta approach, gotta approach, gotta approach.

10 minutes later: Ok, I'm doing it! Talked to her. Ok, now what? I achieved my big goal. I guess I'm done?

All tension deflates. You don't really care about anything else. Approaching her was the sex, and now the sex is over.


5 seconds later: "Hey, I'm -----. I noticed." "Oh hey, I'm ------"

5 minutes later: List of possible things to give a shit about has increased to 75. Can't possibly give a fuck about this whole list. No big goal with this girl but many possible goals for the future. There hasn't been a big deflation of purpose, just some new and interesting friction between two people.

5 hours later: Met new person, new possibilities, know a lot of shit you didn't before, frontiers and paths aplenty.


Lesson: Give fucks. Give them in person. Give them now. Time to think is time to shrink.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent