Don't Private Businesses/Organizations Already Have the Right to Refuse Service to Anyone?

No, you're just spouting anti-Christian "logic".

by your logic shellfish, pork products, and cheeseburgers should all be banned. It should be illegal to wear blended fabrics and to work or travel on the sabbath. Adulterers should be stoned to death and slavery/human trafficking should be legal.

Actually, the correct answer is: no one should be forced to eat (or participate in the process of getting these ready to eat) shellfish or pork products or cheeseburgers (notwithstanding that many Christians' interpretation of the Holy Bible do not actually ban these); no one should be forced to wear (or participate in the process of manufacturing) blended fabrics (notwithstanding that many Christians' interpretation of the Holy Bible do not actually ban this); no one should be forced to work or travel on the sabbath (notwithstanding that many Christians' interpretation of the Holy Bible do not actually ban these); a church should be able to stone to death a member who is an adulterer but not to stone to death any nonmember. As for slavery, you like many other anti-Christians demonstrate misunderstanding or ignorance of the Holy Bible. The only slavery that exists in the Holy Bible is still permitted today.

Amendment 13 to the US Constitution:

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

All slavery that is part of the Holy Bible counts as "punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted".

Therefore you are wrong and should probably get off /r/Libertarian because your comments are better suited for /r/liberal and/or /r/atheism . Actual Libertarians respect the First Amendment, they don't try to kill religion. Your argument is childish and ignorant.

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