The Drowning Man Metaphor

I once wrote something about the Drowning Man long ago.

*There is a man inside my head and he's friends with all the others. He tells me things that the others don't tell me of. He's sad and his face is always damp with tears, and his fingers are always red because he has a habit of biting them when he's sad. He's always sad. I think I can never get tired of telling myself that he's sad. Those words are not enough to convey how sad he is.

It's like it's always raining inside of him and he only cries when his body fills up, and the flood flows out through his eyes. His eyes are reddish canals and the only function they have is to empty the overflowing amount of salty liquid that drowns him inside. A good name for him would be "The Drowning Man" but he cried when I told him of it. Sometimes he's angry when he's sad. The only times he's not sad is when he's asleep, but he rarely sleeps. The longer he's awake the sadder he gets. I tried to understand why he's always sad but I found no reason - like what he said. I can't understand him. He said so himself that his sadness doesn't come from anything. He doesn't have any reason - and that fact gets him a lot more sadder than he already is. No one understands him, not even me. I can't fathom how his 'self' is a black hole of happiness. He sucks anything that can give him happiness until there's nothing left for later days. He's like a freezing man who wants heat so much that he smothers every flame for a few seconds of heat.

He's always hungry as well, but he only eats his fingertips and he only drinks his tears. I hope someday it will stop raining inside of him, but I think that means I'll kill him. He's so used to sadness, that I'm afraid one touch and he won't be the Drowning Man anymore.*

/r/depression Thread