Eggboi vs Egghead ..Begin!

I suppose you feel like I'm on trial and need to "provide proof" when in reality you don't live or have ever lived in a Muslim country, don't know the Islamic ideals and have no clue what you're talking about beyond a Reddit education. You will soon realize that the bullshit in your head isn't true in real life. Muslims that have lived in Europe for the past 30 years are shocked at the type of "immigrants" being allowed into the Westernized countries they have come to call home. Even they are afraid of what's about to happen because of immigration but you're just the smart one. Good luck with life, sometimes try pulling your head out of the sand and give some thought into why there are Musling Strongholds in France, Germany, Belgium, England, and even the USA...look at Dearborn Michigan and tell that it's just "immigration". Wonder why Canada's Trudeau had an open arms policy towards Syrian refugees and then suddenly closed those arms and denied entry to thousands. You guys love to feed off news but won't go and meet the people you're talking about and form a real opinion.

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