Emasculation Never Condones Misogyny

I mean I was hoping /r/asianamerican would have more cultural exchange and be more like a general discussion forum for people that happen to be Asian that also identify as American. Like, more 'What TV shows are you watching?' 'What's your favorite book?' 'Can anyone help me with Physics?' 'Any lip balm recommendations?' You know. Stuff like that.

Take a step back for a minute. I'm assuming you are familiar with the concept of "forced attention". Do you honestly think the posters on this sub WANT to be moody? No facetious answers, pls. Many of the guys here were forced to become aware of their own race and how it impacts them on a day to day level at a pretty early stage in their lives, unless they lived in an ethnic enclave.

Sure, I'd love to sit here and swap red bean dumpling recipes with you, but here's the truth. Being an Asian male in America ain't Disneyland, and the posts you see here are a reflection of that. Telling people "hey guys, stop being so moody/bitter/angry" is like telling a hit and run victim "hey guy, stop bleeding onto the street". Neither addresses the root cause of the problem.

Uh.../u/ProfitFalls is definitely not talking like a Stormfront member. They downplayed Asian male issues. That's not the same thing as white supremacy. Also, name-calling is against the rules...

Read my posts. I said his argument of "Asian men don't have it as bad as <insert minority group here>, therefore stfu and stop whining" is the EXACT same argument white nationalists use to downplay the issues of Asian American men. It may be an uncomfortable truth, but it's not "name calling". I am not the first one to notice how both outright racists and pseudo-feminists both employ the same hypocritical arguments when it comes to Asian male issues - read Sex, Race, and Denial by CN Le.

But I wouldn't say you all are "fucked". The sidebar also says to "Speak for yourself, and not others". It's a bit extreme to say that Asian males are "fucked" considering they're not getting targeted by police everyday simply for walking down the street or something.

You see, you don't even know what our issues are, yet you somehow feel qualified to downplay them by saying some shit like "at least you ain't getting capped by cops." In Alcoholics Anonymous, the first step is admitting you have a problem. It's annoying for me to see that whenever an Asian dude stands up to say "I face racism", idiots are quick to chime in with the rhetorical equivalent of "nahhhh, you fine, go down some more whiskey shooters!"

We face discrimination in hiring. We face discrimination in education. We face discrimination in housing. We face highest rates of bullying growing up, and we face intra-minority violence. We have the lowest glass ceiling. We get paid less than our similarly educated white peers. We have to make $250,000 more than our white equivalents to experience the same amount of dating success. We face prescriptive stereotypes that force us to behave like submissive house negroes unless we want to face racial aggression. All these are documented studies I am happy to link you too. Think about the cumulative impact of all these prejudices, and you will begin to understand why we feel so fucking "moody".

Women weren't getting shot in the streets by the cops either, so should they have stayed in the kitchen and not lobbied for the Equal Pay Act? You see the hypocrisy here?

Anyway, I really don't feel like replying to this chain anymore so if you want to discuss this further I'd appreciate a PM.

Nah, as I said in another thread, science has shown that self-serving bias prevents people from actually convincing anyone not already inclined to believe them. I'm replying to you, less because I want to change your mind, but more because I want people who read this sub to understand the arguments so the neutral ones can form their own opinions.

/r/asianamerican Thread Parent Link - unhyphenate.me