ENTP fun 3+ days trip - spy and military base theme (Germany / Poland)

I don't know how Fe is supposed to manifest and I don't really know what it is anymore.

The more I read into MBTI, the less I feel that I understand about it.

You know, I just had a thought. What if this is the difference between Ne and Ni? Ni can synthesize a large amount of information into a single understanding of a topic, but they will need to shape/manipulate with some details to fit them into their viewpoint. While Ne takes in new information as it is, without changing it, but their understanding will lack unity. Maybe Ni-precise (but possibly inaccurate), and Ne- accurate (but possibly imprecise)?

Back to Fe: I think Fe considers (I'd say 'complies with', but that has a negative connotation) objective, universally held values, as opposed to subjective, personal ones. For example, when your ENTJ called a young girl 'jailbait', was your first reaction 'that's inappropriate/I hope it did not cause any awkwardness' or 'that's not right/think about how the girl was feeling at the moment'? If someone insults you, is it more likely to bother you simply because it's hurtful, or because you don't understand how someone could say a thing like that?

I think that I can understand Fe in the Vulnerable or Role positions. Creative Fe seems different to the others in that it's a lot more passive and I'll admit is a pretty decent description for me as well.

So we agree on creative/role Fe as a possibility. I also suspected vulnerable Fe, but that description talks about more personal feelings, so I didn't want to assume anything. So IxFJ, ExTJ or IxTJ, just based on Fe descriptions. At least ENxP becomes less and less of a possibility.

I mean, that sounds very Demonstrative, I think? Maybe jermofo was right about ENTJ?

You mean Role Fe, right? ExTJs have Fe as a role function, and role Fe fits your description of how you interact socially better than demonstrative Fe, IMO.

As far as democratic vs aristocratic goes...

Sounds more like an aristocratic type, in my opinion. And Reinin dichotomies have little to do with your political orientation :p

I'm not fun, loud, outgoing, culturally-tuned-in, witty, flirty, or generally awesome enough

Do you want me to prove you wrong point-by-point? :p You are selling yourself short, and you're going to be fine!

I just feel like the lack of success so far has set me up to have serious dependency problems if I even try now.

The only treatment to lack of experience is experience!

I guess this would tend to fit with INJ or maybe ITP or even IFP from that site.

INJ seems very likely, yes!

I wonder how I would look if I were talking about something I felt like I knew something about or had well developed views on.

Feel free to make that video :p I will watch it! (but no pressure)

It's a fundamental difference in temperament that's kept be from being comfy with ENTP, tbh.

I agree. Functionally, ENTP could fit, but temparement-wise you do seem more like an IxxJ (except, again, for your video)

I was hoping you wouldn't notice that mistake. :| ... in my defense, I did retype the whole thing. ;)

Aww :( I also think of you as a friend!! And thank you again for not giving up and retyping all of it! ;)

I'm wondering if my "Feelery" tendencies, especially those that look like Fe to everyone, are actually coming not from my type but my basic biology

How do you think a person's type is determined, if not biologically/genetically? I have heard people say that MBTI type is not genetic, but they never elaborate on what else could cause a person to be a certain type (nurture?)


It's okay to be a NF type! ;)

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