Have you ever completely lost respect for a friend because of something they said or did? What happened?

Yes, actually. My best friend from high school.

We were friends for about six years, and then I ended the friendship because it was incredibly one-sided and fuck that shit. She reached out to me this past April. We hadn't spoken since we were 19, now we're both 25 and I figured what the hell, I'll respond. Maybe she's grown up and it wasn't like she was a horrible person.

But since April, I've been noticing that she's just incredibly lazy, whiny, selfish, and ignorant. For example, she had a baby with her boyfriend because she "doesn't like to work and wanted to try the whole stay-at-home mom thing." She doesn't understand when people can't drop everything for her and cater to her whims. And literally everything she posts is some kind of complaint about…well, everything. She complains about people who don't have kids for having it easy, about her boyfriend for not proposing yet, about the fact that we got a tiny bit of snow and it was such an inconvenience (we both grew up and live in Minnesota, half an inch is literally nothing), and so on. It's like she has no clue how to behave like a mature, independent adult in the real world. And she's lost almost all the positive traits that led me to be friends with her in the first place.

I just unfollowed her on Facebook and if she ever leaves some kind of negative complaint/comment on anything I post, I just ignore her and delete it. I'm not really interested in repairing the friendship anymore, but I guess it's just easier to keep her around on Facebook somehow? Haha.

/r/AskWomen Thread