[MA] Suing everyone?

Here's the summary:

I, [lesemendemon], appearing on my own behalf, am a student at [college]. Defendants [X], in concert with Defendants [Y], as well as up to ten anonymous defendants, have conspired to harass, defame and intimidate me with the objective of having me expelled, suspended or otherwise physically barred from the [college] campus, causing me emotional harm and interfering with my free speech, peaceable living and other rights guaranteed by the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights.

They have done so by submitting various false, frivolous and malicious complaints to the administration of [college], spreading vile and injurious rumors within the community and assaulting me in person. All defendants partook in this scheme on the basis of my personal and academic views; the defendants living in the [Y hall] did so on the basis of my sex and gender identity.

In so conspiring, they have committed a wide variety of tortious acts, interfered in my enjoyment of my constitutional rights, damaged my reputation amongst my peers to an immense degree as well as damaged my contractual relationship with [college] and caused me an extremely severe, intolerable amount of emotional harm.

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