Ever feel like some men seem to use "feminism" as a catch-all term for female behaviors they don't like?

What I'm seeing here is backlash to backlash to backlash and this post is almost backlash to that. I know the title says some men but I think we both know at least one way it will be interpreted. Tbh I think the title is vague in some senses too. Female behaviours they don't like? I do love the company of women. I'd much rather hang out with women than men but I think radical feminism is a black mark on the name of equality and does it a total disservice. To a certain extent this bleeds over to ignorant but more moderate feminism. So does that mean I qualify? They are more moderate but they also are really bad at picking areas where there are inequalities or building a case for these points. To be fair, to some degree I can forgive ignorance, stubbornly ignoring evidence which dispels your own is another story.

There is one story I can remember where I've been presented with statistics. I can read statistics very well so I know how to analyse them to a certain degree. This topic I was presented stats on wasn't really my field. I had a basic understanding in it so I understood the general concepts and could definitely dispel certain figures but truth be told I don't think I would have claimed I could tell the whole picture. I could account for a lot of factors and then I came across some information which accounted for a factor I hadn't and that I'm not sure I would have due to not having a deep understanding. I could see it and accept that correction of my ignorance. Others aren't so accepting. What's baffled me before is I've seen people who definitely understand statistics repost information despite obvious flawed usage to someone like them or myself, I would think.

/r/AskWomen Thread