Have you ever lost a male best friend because of his SO? If so, what happened? Did you make it up after a while?

Actually for me, it was quite the opposite. Both were friends of mine and I ended up losing both. A friend of mine from college started dating a girl I was really good friends with in middle/high school. So we all clicked. Except she's known for cheating (or, in the guy's words, 'making herself look easy'), and I knew this. But things were fine for a long time, until they had a kid and things started getting rocky. She started contacting some of her exes and it even got to the point where he blocked her ex's numbers. So if they had conversations, she'd have to call him. Plus they kept calling me to vent and stuff, but eventually they just started ignoring me for a very long time. I think my presence there was keeping them together when they REALLY shouldn't have been, but the fact that they both just ghosted on me for no reason kind of stung. I understand that they probably needed time to figure out stuff themselves, but I never heard from either every again-and this happened four years ago. And they broke up shortly after the ghosting and we still aren't speaking.

I guess I'm mostly just pissed because I was the one paying their phone bills and other bills and baby sitting for free and so on, and they promised to at least be there for me as friends (my grandfather had just passed and we were really close). But they didn't. For the most part, I still have some hurt and anger that I'm trying to get rid of because I didn't get closure, but that's not always possible.

/r/AskWomen Thread