Have you ever stopped speaking to a good friend or family member? Why did it happen and did you ever talk to them again?

My sister-in-law is the biggest cunt if i ever saw one. She basically grew up poor but shouldn't use that as an excuse to how she lives her life today. She refuses to get a job, never cleans her house, and basically sits around the house all day being a "stay at home mother".

Everything seemed to be fine with her but then she had her son with my BIL and the crazy came out. She's a helicopter mom to a tee who always has a hawk eye on her children. A lightbulb went off in my head one day when i lovingly picked her son up and she told me i could "put him down because he knows how to walk"...okay? Because she doesn't have a job she doesn't have a bed time, and neither do her children. Every meal they eat is fast food or restaurant food (can't afford) and her 6 year old child is about 30-40 pounds overweight because she doesn't know how to say no to him (on top of having a shitty sleep schedule). They're testing him for "sleep apnea" and a thyroid disorder...it's called obesity.

Every time my husband's side of the family would get together for family dinner, my sister in law would somehow ruin it by getting pissed off at how someone spoke to her or looked at her the wrong way. I have a very sweet cat who gets anxious around large groups of people. one night everyone was over and her son (we'll call him F for fatso) kept trying to pet the cat. All of the other nieces and nephews know something called obedience so they listened when we told them to leave the cat alone. Well F kept insisting that he wanted to pet the cat after his mom kept tell him not to. The cat lightly swatted at F who started crying. Did i ask if he was okay? No...because he knew the consequences after being told multiple times. Well my SIL (C for cunt) was apparently upset with my husband and i for not checking to see if Fatso was okay. And fatso's father looked over at us while all of this was happening and shrugged it off like he didn't give a shit. because he didn't.

The same exact incident happened again a few months later except this time my brother in law was working. After my cat swatted at F this time, his mother pulled him to the said and told him "it's not your fault". Right...like my cat maliciously chased your son and scratched him on purpose? My cat did multiple warning meows before we swatted. He didn't even break the skin both times. Then we got word that my brother in law was pissed about this because i'm sure Cunt told him a twisted version of the story.

The initiation of blocking these people out of our lives happened when fatso broke a bone and we had to find out about it on facebook. not one text was sent asking if her son was okay because why should i if she didn't even care to tell me? So she was pissed again (but we only heard it through another family member). She also got pregnant and didn't tell anyone, so surprise surprise...she was upset when no one was excited about her pregnancy. My BIL left a very good job with benefits to do a newspaper route because they were garnishing his wages from unpaid loans. So they got their car repossessed. twice. and they still get money from both my mother and father in law.

life has been so much better after cutting the soul sucking leech out of my life. we don't go to any family events that they attend solely because there is always some sort of drama with her and my BIL. when we do run into them, on the rare occasion, she just skulks in a corner because she knows the entire side of my husband's family hates her. only one family on my husband's side still pity invites them to stuff but she has really been a driving force in splitting the family. it is sad because her children will never know us. there's obviously way more to this but i barely scratched the surface.

TLDR: my sister in law is a cunt so we cut her out of our lives. life is so much better.

/r/AskWomen Thread