Why is everyone here on DNP?

Because reddit is full of fat fucks who are either poor, desperate, depressed or all of those.

How desperate, depressed and poor? So desperate they will ingest a potentially life threatening substance to become thin.

So depressed it prevents them from choosing the safe and healthy alternative because how could you ever do HIIT if even the thought of leaving your bed for a piss seems like a huge accomplishment?

So poor their only source of "nutrition" are soda cans of molten sugar and the occasional fast food dollar menue.

Here's my advice for you fat fucking faggots:

Desperate people - If you're desperate to lose weight that's good. If you're so desperate you're tossing all health concerns aside that's BAD. Turn off your emotions and look at this rationally. People acknowledging your weightloss at your wake is of no use to you, because YOU WILL BE DEAD. So why risk it? Losing weight quickly is so much easier than building muscle. Gambling with your life in an effort to speed it up even more is a thoroughly retarded idea that is purely driven by emotion. Stop caring what other people think of you and do what's best for you.

2) Depressed people - You probably have it worst. Food has become your sole source of comfort and your condition makes it impossible for you to find the motivation to do anything about it. You don't really care that much if you're alive or dead but if it has to be alive you'd rather be skinny. So with DNP you think you're looking for the easy way out either way. Well I don't really have any advice for you aside from seeking professional treatment. Clinical depression is terrible and I've seen it cripple people to the point where they're unable to perform the simplest tasks. It can be treated though and I promise you there is light at the end of the tunnel. ... that came out wrong. Don't kill yourselves, I don't know if there is an afterlife.

General Advice:

1) Only drink water. NO SODA. Tea and coffee are okay.

2) Eat right. There are people out there who instead of eating dinner, down 5 cans of Mountain Dew sugar and wonder why they're still fat even though "they skipped dinner". Pasta is a thousand times more delicious than any soda and it actually has nutritious value. Imagine that.

"PASTA? Bu-bu-but what about muh low-carb diet?" Eating carbs is fine faggot. It fact it's beneficial. We NEED carbs - just make sure they are low on the glycemic index. Opt for the aforementioned pasta, rice and oatmeal instead of your faggy sweet little snacks. Be a man will ya?

3) Walk or ride a bike anywhere you go. Erase cars and public transport from your mind. Same thing with escalators and elevators. Just walk up the fucking stairs like a normal person.

After you built up some stamina from all that walking you did (whew!) add in some light jogging. Do it at night if you're ashamed of your body or buy a treadmill, but do it! Your stamina will improve so goddamn fast. It really is insane how much quicker and farther you can run if you keep at it. In my experience you will notice improvements almost daily.

When you have lost some weight and you feel ready to go the next step - transition into HIIT. It's the ultimate way to burn fat. It hurts so good and it's incredibly rewarding. Do it for dem runners high endorphins!

/r/steroids Thread