This exists. It is a picture worth a thousand raging gamergater words.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This shit is hilarious.

a game we’re making to commemorate the first anniversary of #GamerGate

Wow. Has it been a year already?

When a person becomes too “problematic”, they are deemed an Anti-SJW, and are expelled from society.

Sounds nice actually.

Here are some of the features you can look forward to:

• Explore a large, open-world cyberpunk city

• Deep story and engaging characters

The game will be entirely self-funded; we will not be putting it on Kickstarter or any other funding platform. We are planning to put the game on Steam Greenlight once it has reached a presentable state.

Those are not happening. A self funded video game with a large scope open world and a "deep" story. I will be surprised if the game actually gets finished. Let alone get on steam greenlight.

There are 4 people on the team. Due to concerns about our personal safety from overzealous SocJus party members, all members of the team will remain anonymous.

Okay sure.

Each of us has about a year or so of experience in our respective fields

Nothing says "future of video games" when the devs got into the business when gamergate started.

You don’t sound like you’re capable of finishing this project.

Yeah, a self funded project with a large scope with no due date in mind with low experienced team members. Totally something that can be done.

Our first priority will be to finish a feature-complete, bug-free version for PC.

Those are some big words. Completely bug free? Wow.

Project lead here. If this game were about GamerGate, it would simply be called GamerGate: The Game. It’s not. The game is not about GamerGate, but about the totalitarian, authoritarian cult known as SocJus.


(Don’t worry /pol/, we’ll make sure you’re in it this time!)


/r/GamerGhazi Thread Link -