Expedia SWE Intern Final Interview

For a final interview, there are chances that they might ask you a behavioral question at the beginning right after asking to tell them about yourself. A way to prepare for those questions is learning the STAR format to answer behavioral questions. Learn the format, look up some common behavioral questions and try to have some bullets points answering those questions if they were asked. Don't spend too much time on it since the interview is primarily technical but being prepared would help. Also, be prepared to talk about any of the projects/internships in your resume.

Top question I would say to prepare for: Tell me about a time you had a dispute with a teammate, and how did you address it?

Star format: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/interviewing/how-to-use-the-star-interview-response-technique

Behavioral Questions: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/interviewing/software-engineer-behavioral-interview-questions

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