Eye for an eye: Iran blinds acid attacker. Medics gouge out man’s eye in first known case where retribution ruling has been carried out, amid condemnation from human rights groups

The baser vengeful instincts deep down in me, the kind I don't like to admit I have, wants to say, fair is fair.

But then the part of me I like. The Part I want to share with others and want to become says this is barbaric.

The Initial Attack was horrific, make no mistake. Acid attacks are no laughing matter. I had a student who got burned, and over 5 years later she was still undergoing treatment to recover from grafts and cortisol treatments.

The man who did that attack and all people who commit that attack are monsters in my eyes and need to be separated from society.

But Sending in people meant to heal and prevent injury. Getting a Doctor to mutilate another person, even if it was done in the name of justice and fairness. We are corrupting society with that act. We become the monsters.

If this was 300 years ago, in a lawless part of the world, Maybe I can understand the necessity of the act. Simply because societies had to become harder and crueller to survive. A riot could topple an empire. A crime could start a war. There was more at stake, and we had less resource, or knowledge how to govern and decide what was and wasn't right.

But in this day and age, with our technology, and resources. With the ability to share our ideas and worries with people in ways leaders and pillars of our societies never could. We have no excuse to be monsters. We aren't doing it to survive. We are doing it because it is easy, because deep down, we enjoy the thrill of power we hold over others. Because we are using the idea of justice to allow us to be cruel.

If justice is truly about reform, about helping society become better and fair. Then these kind of actions are designed to do the opposite. They thus have no place here and must be abolished.

But if justice is really about punishment and retribution, then honestly just kill them from the get go and be done with the charade. Own up to the cruelty and defend those actions than hide behind the hypocrisy.

/r/news Thread Link - theguardian.com