The face unverifieds make just before they refer to your lived experiences as a POC as “divisive comments”

No check mark here...

I didn't get "the talk".

The few times I was followed or eyeballed in a store, or refused service for some reason, I just went to a different store. Other stores were immediately available to me.

My parents never had green books. They don't know what they are.

My parents don't know what sundown towns are, but my parents' generation ran them.

I've had cops be jerks to me because I was being a jerk. I've never been arrested. I'm still alive.

I've never been called "articulate" with the same surprise and tone as if I spoke Mandarin.

Old white women aren't afraid of me.

My name has never been a problem on an application. My name has never elicited "oh, that's so unique".

People allow me the space to be angry - rude even, at times - and then return to a center of mutual understanding...without chalking up to my "attitude".

Nobody asks to touch my hair.

I can enjoy and pursue any interest in the world without it being "odd for me".

No one has ever used me as a benchmark for an entire culture or subculture.

Some without checkmarks get it, but none of us will ever "get it".

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