I Fake Every Time- I'm Ready to Come Clean (heh) but I Need Help

Fellow faker here. Man.. faking is the worst. I hate that I do it, but its been really hard to stop! I married my long term boyfriend and recently realized I was in for an entire lifetime of "meh" sex if I didn't change my behavior. I did a lot of research. Come clean? Make an excuse? Pretend I fell off my bike and damaged my vagina so now I don't "get off" as easy? (yeah..I seriously considered that). The reason it was so tough to find a way to not hurt him is because that was what I was doing by faking! I didn't want him to feel like he wasn't pleasing me. I was enjoying myself...mostly..and what was the harm? Well, the harm was that he now thinks he's got the midas touch and I'm stuck DIY'ing on the side. Shitty. But I digress. My research pretty much found that telling dude point blank that you've been lying to him in the most intimate of settings for a really long time is going to crush him. Some people may say "big deal, if he's confident, he could handle it", but imagine if you discovered that whatever he compliments you on the most is actually his least favorite part about you. Like hes actually thought you tasted super gross this whole time. It would probably hurt you a lot. You're free to tell him. But I didn't tell mine. I couldn't. What I did do was just stop faking as much. (as much!? yeah..If I went cold turkey it would have been really obvious). So I skipped an orgasm here and there. Until he noticed. And when he noticed he was the gentleman I hoped he would be, and asked about it. I didn't come clean. I just told him what I needed more of. Then I didn't fake when he tried those new things. I know he's taking a bit of an emotional hit..not being able to really send me in to a tissy like he could before. But I'm enjoying it more.. because I'm coming. And it's great. I still don't come every time, but I'm becoming more and more comfortable with NOT coming if I don't have to and also with being patient with myself and realizing that real orgasms take more than a few minutes. It's been a long slow process but I think for me, I did the right thing by letting him save some face in light of my dishonesty. You know him best and only you can decide the best way to fix the situation with him. I hope you can find something that works for you and your man!

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread