Fake news author is fired; apologizes to those who are ‘disappointed’ by his actions

Since you're doing this fucked up song and dance about what i think should be the repercussions for this as if I don't want any, I'm going to write this conversation off because you're a fucking dumbass.

You want him to be the face of fake news on google. That's scapegoating him and there's no justifying that. That won't fix anything. It won't solve the real societal issues at hand. It isn't justice you seek. You seek to divide your country even further for some sick and twisted reason. Go try your fucked up form of oppositional discussion on someone else. People like you honestly discuss me.

What you're doing, trying to escalate the conversation into open hostility, is worse than any of these sensationalist media outlets. People are smart enough to do their own fact checking. You can't blame one guy for everything. That's just fucked up magical thinking. Sorry bud.

I'm Canadian so I don't give a fuck. I'm just watching your country face palming from all the ignorance going on. From many Americans lately, but a special kind from the likes of you. It's like this with every president turn over, but people like you are so much worse than Birthers ever were.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - charlotteobserver.com