"Fascism is the inevitable outcome of capitalism."

Ha! I wanted to make sure you knew which network I was talking about. I like how you completely ignored the things I said about Fox News and focused on my diction. An obvious deflection but truly amusing. I also found it funny that you don't even acknowledge that you were talking out of your ass about Rojava and didn't bother to do more than skim over a Wikipedia page.

How silly you are that you can only bring up Fox News because they are the only news on TV that gives you another perspective, rather than the party narrative.

This right here is fucking hilarious. I needed a good laugh. First of all I assume by "party narrative" you mean the Democrats? Despite what Fox News tells you not everyone who doesn't support the Republicans is a Democrat. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are cut from the same neoliberal cloth and they're worn by the same corporatist assholes. The Democrats can rot in hell with the Republicans for all I care. Second of all any news on TV is absolute trash and has been for years. TV news is nothing but corporate horseshit. From MSNBC and their inability to hold the Democratic Party accountable, to CNN and their inability to actually understand that news isn't the same thing as flashy graphics and shouting matches, to the evening news on networks like CBS and NBC that waste most of their time slot on bullshit feel good stories of no significance, to Fox News: the dingleberry on top of the shit sundae.

Fox News is such ridiculous nonsensical piece of shit network it always astounds me that they have so many viewers. It's easy to be cynical and dismiss their viewers as fucking morons but that is far too simple. I think it's a combination of three things:

1] It gives old people something or someone to hate and blame for all the problems in the world without having to do all that pesky research and thinking. By sheer coincidence those somethings or someones always tend to be against the interests of the Republican Party or their corporate owners.

2] It reassures their core audience of old white people that nothing is ever their fault. It's always the fault of the millennials, or the illegal immigrants, or the liberals, or the Democrats, or some far-left conspiracy, or the liberal media, or the takers living a life of luxury with their food stamps and unemployment checks. Oh no, old white people, you're not at all the problem. Things used to be better. Remember Ronald Reagan? What a great American hero he was. The economy isn't bad because of the last three decades of supply-side economics that you support because you're not one of them dirty commies always sticking their hands out getting free money from the government. Any day now that wealth will start trickling down. We just have to squeeze the poor and give tax breaks to the rich just a little bit more. Don't worry about the poor. They can pull themselves up by their bootstraps if they weren't so lazy. You did, didn't you? And we all know that things are exactly the same as they were when you were in your 20's--except when they aren't because liberals and Obama and Benghazi. You're getting confused? Don't worry. Here's a story about something bad that an atheist did. Doesn't that make you angry? Those smug atheists think they're so clever. Back in the good old days everyone was decent honest god fearing Christian folk. And we said Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays. Those damn atheists and the liberals must be conspiring to destroy our traditions. We'll be right back after a word from our sponsors to interview a black guy. Don't change the channel! He's one of the good ones.

3] It makes old white people feel like they're getting special knowledge that those sneaky conniving liberals don't want them to know. Psychological research actually does show that people feel better about themselves when they think that they're part of some special group and "in the know". And who doesn't like to feel better about themselves?

Fox News does present an alternative perspective: the corporatist agenda disguised as the "real" truth. I think what they're doing is criminal--not because they're liars who do the bidding of monsters like the Koch brothers (though that should be illegal) but because they're con-artists who manipulate the elderly like every other fucking con-artist the AARP profiles in their magazine.

I don't know your age or the color of your skin and I don't really give a shit so I'm going to assume that you're an old white person (going off of the demographic statistics of the Fox News). I want you to know two things. First, if you have children you've more than likely caused them a great deal of grief and sadness as they've watched the poison propaganda seep into your mind and turn you into a bitter hateful person that they no longer recognize. Second, the millennials are way to the left of you and they're only moving more to the left. Just under half of millennials have a more favorable opinion of socialism than capitalism because they live in the real world and they're starting to figure out who is screwing them and how. So cling to your delusions if you're too far gone, but know that in 10-15 years when your generation is dead the millennials are pushing the country hard to the left. Unless the student debt bubble pops first and starts another Great Depression. Then I don't know what's going to happen. Whatever it is it's going to be ugly and possibly violent.

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