Fat Rant Friday

Listen, I understand where you're coming from, but you need to understand the other dies of the matter.

As a runner, I do my best to encourage everyone to get off the couch and enjoy a run. Even if you aren't running at a sub-10 min/mi pace, the fact that you are out on the roads and trails is great enough, and you deserve a slap on the back and kind words for it. To go through that type of mental and physical pain is something very difficult, but rewarding, and anyone who takes it on is doing something great.

Yet, for someone who is very serious about running, such as myself, if I ever talk about my times I'm not doing it to brag, I'm just as happy about my progress as well! If, during conversation, I excitedly tell my close friends that I ran a 1:07 half-marathon workout, it's not to brag and to belittle them, it's because I'm just as excited about my workout!

Think of it this way, if someone is talking about their times, the mileage they put down during the week, etc. they are may not be doing it to boast, they are doing it because they are just as proud of their achievements. It's the same notion as someone coming here and being proud of their weight-loss achievements. Now, if someone who is struggling to lose weight reads a weight-loss positive comment and gets offended, it seems unsolicited. They should understand that this person is just happy of their accomplishments, right?

Now, I understand it being hurtful if someone reads what you ran for a mile time and scoffs at it, that person is just being a prick. And more so, no runner should be putting down someone else. But if I ever talk about some accomplishment I've made during my training, it isn't to put down those that cannot reach those physical achievements, it's simply because I'm just of proud as where I've gotten.

Of course there is a state of being humble too, but it can be harmful when someone puts you down for you achievements, which I'm sure people losing weight here have had to deal with in the past.

What I'm trying to say is, if someone puts down your achievements, they are obviously being an asshole. But if someone is just talking about their achievements, and they are say running faster, lifting more weights, losing more weight, etc., it doesn't necessarily mean they are putting you down, they may be just as excited for their personal accomplishments as you are with your own.

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