feel guilty for crushing on/dating anyone unless i know they're "the one"

even when I develop a crush on anyone but I know I won't end up with them for whatever reason, I feel guilty for liking them in the first place because I know they're not my soulmate.

No offense, but it kind of sounds like you're over romanticizing things a bit.

The idea of a "soul mate" is basically that you'll come across someone and instantly you'll just know and everything will just fall into place perfectly.

That's great for Halmark movies, but it rarely ever works out like that.

The phrase "the perfect is the enemy of the good" applies to dating as well. No one will ever be perfect. It just doesn't exist. Find someone who is good for you, not perfect. Because when you search for perfect you often get no-one since no-one can ever be perfect.

lol it sounds dumb but this isn't a severe issue and isn't really impacting my life in a negative way as I'm too focused on college/work right now to be dating anyway, but i am pretty young and it is just something I've noticed about myself so far and wondering if others relate..

Many people were dating in college and still went on to be successful. I know of many couples who met in college. Don't be too focused on your career that you let the other parts of your life pass you by.

/r/dating Thread