Fewer than 3,000 people died on 9/11 and we went to war, spent trillions, and surrendered freedom and privacy forever. Over 40,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 already, and you can't handle staying indoors for a while?

It's amazing how unable you are to internalize the idea that maybe, the people who are against this were also against the violations of privacy and freedom (which did absolutely nothing to stop terrorism btw) post-9/11

I mean shit, a primary talking point of libertarians (who made up a lot of these protestors) is opposition to the TSA.

Frankly you're naive if you think the government will magically give us back our rights once there's no longer a reason to. The government has never given back an ounce of power it has been given, miss me with that "just let them suspend your rights a little more in the name of muh public health I'm sure we'll get them back in May if we just behave like good boys"

And of course when this quarantine gets further extended people will heap all of the blame on these protestors, instead of acknowledging the blatant power-grabbing they're using this pandemic to get away with.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread