Fibro and lack of emotions

I know exactly what you are talking about, kind of.

I have a very strong migraine, all the time, and it feels like this is making me numb. I've been numb for the last years, occasionally feeling sad, or even good, what I attributed to pregabalin, still though, it was something really unstable.

Sometimes I would feel better for literally seconds and then go back to feeling shitty, sometimes I would feel better for hours.

Some years ago, I was taking Efexor, and I thought that it was making me numb, but in reality, i think it wasn't the medication, it was just myself. I stopped using it around 1 year ago I guess, and then I started rediscovering feelings, and stuff.

I've been numb for so long, that I literally forgot how feelings were, i had to rediscover all of them, it was like being a child again.

I've been switching between being numb and overly emotional, but now I'm finally setting in, becoming stable. Just to Be able to be sad just by watching something sad, feels like an really impressive achievement for me.

Hah, this is a quite funny story, or sad I don't know but, while having crazy emotional swings,

/r/Fibromyalgia Thread