So I finally told my HL wife that I needed a break, and... it didn't go according to plan.

I love how when a HL goes "She said if I do more dishes and help out around the house more she'll have sex with me." and everyone here goes "That's BS, she's just pulling your leg, choreplay is nonsense."

Yet when a LL member goes "OMG this number that is 99% likely made up makes me saaadddd...." everyone is like "KILL HER SHE DOES NOT DO THE CHORES!!!!"

This sub is a bi polar hypersexual meeting grounds for people who enjoy being tortured and people that like diagnosing others based on minimal information, you're basically in some sort of Jerry Springer esque place when it comes to logic and non-dissonance.

This is the only sub where I've seen a person say "She only sleeps with me 5x a month!" and ALMOST everyone says "LEAVE HER!" AND it's massively upvoted. And then one post later it's "She only sleeps with me 8x a month!" and the reply is "OH LOOK AT MR MONEY BAGS HERE WITH HIS 8X A MONTH TALK TO ME WHEN IT'S ONCE A DECADE YOU UNEMPATHETIC POS!!!!" AND massively updated.

Basically DB is a bunch of hypersexual massochists and a few hyposexual sadists, and they don't recognize eachother for what they truly are, and hence we have this dissonant sense of reality here...

Welcome to the shit show! : )

/r/DeadBedrooms Thread Parent