First time grocery shopping like a big girl.

She’s 2YOA next week. My wife & I trade SAH parenting & 12hr work shifts 6/7 days (we both work in healthcare where a 3x12hr workweek is common). This was day 7/7 when we’re home together (she took the pic).

To this point she’s never been capable of walking hand in public w/o trying to run amuck & going back in the cart kicking & screaming. I’m proud to say we walked the whole store, didn’t attempt to climb displays, fuck with other shoppers, or do things otherwise dangerous/disrespectful. Plus she helped put the groceries in mommies cart.

IDK if thats advanced, on time, or delayed for her age. But I’m super proud of her, & super excited for new adventures this development opens up.

/r/daddit Thread Link -