For all men with high standards and little experience, try to date women you don't like.

Trust me, it's okay to fuck a slut..especially if their morals disgust you cause then you can't get trapped or played with.

Agreed. Great post, it seems like a lot of guys here don't seem to fully grasp the concept of spinning plates. The whole reason we are spinning these plates is because AWALT. If you don't have a large enough pool of women to replace your plates with, you're going to find it harder to drop one at the slightest hint of bad behavior. You aren't trying to find unicorns, you're trying to find women who satisfy your female companionship needs (plate material).

All women who aren't under a strong male influence are going to be sluts, it's human nature. This is why "daddy issues" are such a common theme among them. And I find that (young) high dick count girls have fresher, tighter pussies on average anyways. This is because the guys they find attractive (rightfully) find slut behavior so repulsive that those chicks find it hard to land the LTRs that would otherwise result in their pussy getting pounded twice a day, 7 days a week. Instead, they get banged out by a football player and his roommate two weekends a month and get off using a vibrator the rest of the time, resulting in less damage down there.

Using girls you don't like for sex is about as alpha as it gets. Other women may not like you for it, but they won't be able to stop the tingles it gives them.

If you're worried about how other people would view you because your plate is retarded then you're still beta. You shouldn't need another persons validation.

This is so so wrong. I agree that seeking validation is pathetically beta, but maintaining high value is arguably the most important part of gaming women and being seen macking on unattractive girls will absolutely demolish your value. If you're going to fuck ugly girls, do it on the low, but avoid it altogether if possible. Beauty is common, as long as you don't reject girls for stupid shit like having an annoying laugh or short hair, most guys shouldn't have trouble plating one or two decent looking girls.

/r/TheRedPill Thread