former area manager: ask me anything

You don't want to be hourly L4. Its like a dollar or 2 above T3 if that. It starts higher than T3 starts as far as i know but im not sure where it lines up as far as a maxed out T3. But last i talked to an hourly L4 about wage was a couple years ago. They didn't like it at the time. Hourly is also considered a notch below salary. And they are in specific areas.

The time investment factor.. was one of the biggest things that kept me on the fence but honestly it's not that bad. My site puts us on little extra time. Outside of 4 weeks for peak, we've only had overtime like twice in the year and once was for prime week. Otherwise none.

If you are T3 and considering the money aspect and salary vs hourly like a lot of people on the thread..I'd say that's a trap. If you're at ground-level and want to stay there that's fine. You dont climb the first rung of the ladder to stop and talk about how the view is only barely higher from there. From T3 you're not promoting to L4 you're promoting to L5. Also 95% of everyone in this reddit is wildly wrong about what managers get paid. According to this reddit AMs get paid everywhere from less than T3, up to reaping 6 figures and bonuses each time a unit is processed. Lol.

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