Former Obama aide: None of us needed lawyers

~~First amendment rights work both ways, except for in the case of yelling fire in the theatre.

As opposed to putting laws that could have the potential to allow loose interpretations/violations of the first amendments on the ground of something being fake news, we should spend more time investing in public education/our citizens so that the populace will be equipped with the cognitive tools to not fall victim to those tactics/more productive and informed populace yada yada yada.~~

Nvm. We all know that the purpose of government is to line the pockets of corporate execs and shareholders. Which is why government is bad. So we elect the people that are in bed with corporate execs to fix said government by getting rid of everything that protects the citizen.

Obummer is anti-christ. Climate Change is hoaxed like the moon landings. Earth is flat, vaccines give people autism. A job is more important than your health, and will define your worth as a person. Mental health services, Dental care, eye exams, and routine checkups are for those that deserve them. Social Darwinism is king. Bootstraps over avocado toasts. Embryos are sacred, but fuck whatever happens to them after they're born. Education is a privilege of the elite, which I am totally a part of btw, I just need my lucky break.

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