Found a folder of c. 1977 Mormon Propaganda. For your reading pleasure...

I like this survey.

  1. Yes. In fact, I hope they have more and better dating/personal relationships.

  2. Although its a bit gross to think of my sisters having sex, yes, I hope they too have a good sexual and romantic life.

  3. I drew the line at anything that would have long term negative consequences -- no pregnancy, no STD, no risk taking, nothing so extreme it might have damaged my or my partner's physical or emotional health.

  4. Nope.

  5. I was in control. We both made the decision to explore a normal, healthy, fun, and essentially human experience. It was great, in the same way that tasting ice cream for the first time was.

  6. According to the stats, sinners. Sexual problems are a major source of divorce. Knowing you are on the same page can reduce that risk, plus it eliminates the insanity of getting married just to get your dick wet without worrying about anything else.

  7. Uh, ok.

  8. No, you can't. You can lick the cupcake as many times as you want and it never goes away! Its like willy wonkas everlasting cupcake! What's more, I've found that the more you lick it, the more it likes to be licked. Its good exercise, good bonding, feels good, and more! There really is no downside!

  9. Yes, based on reading apologetics about joe's wives. From what they tell me, its just plain unknowable if he boinked his wives! Therefore, I know with every fibre of my being that its unknowable to anyone else what I do with my GF.

  10. Sweet, how many jumps do I get?

  11. Back where? To being a virgin? Why would I want to be a virgin again? That's like wishing I were still in Jr. High or wishing I didn't know how to read or something.

  12. When I buy a car, I will most certainly test drive it before I sign a lifelong contract. But anyhow, I'm not a sexuality isn't for sale...and sex doesn't make you dirty?

How did I do?

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