Free Talk Thread + FAQ Improvement

Camping and Lodging Camping Camping is not currently allowed in Graveyard Fields - see the above notice. Camping is normally allowed anywhere on National Forest property, subject to applicable National Forest backcountry camping regulations. Dispersed camping is allowed in the National Forest outside Graveyard Fields.

Bear canisters are required in areas outside the Graveyard Fields Vicinity that are still open to camping. All bear canisters must be commercially made; constructed of solid, non-pliable material manufactured for the specific purpose of resisting entry by bears.

Some campsites in the area are over-used, but it's better to use one of those than to make a new one. Just do your part to keep it clean - don't trample vegetation, don't leave half-burned logs in the fire ring, and don't take a soapy bath in the stream!

There are no developed campgrounds in the immediate area. The closest ones would be at Mount Pisgah, about 20 minutes south on the Parkway, and Davidson River Campground, about 30 minutes East along US Hwy. 276.

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