From the riot in france today

This is so fucking retarded (not your comment, but the fact that some people are mad enough to do this).

Her father made it to the 2nd round as well during the 2001 elections and people in France were absolutely shocked about this, the fact that Le Pen (father) would make it to the second round was unthinkable back then.

For those who don't know, he's far worse than her as far as racism goes, her negative reputation is largely due to him rather than her own actions. Her father publicly used racial slurs against foreigners, was convicted of revisionism for "belittling the Holocaust" (in fairness, whether he said anything wrong is a matter of context and interpretation), and other such things. Marine is controversial but as far as I heard she's been trying to not look racist.

Her father made it to the 2nd round despite being a bigger racist than she is. He still lost because people only voted for him due to rising tensions towards Arabs. The voters wanted to send a message and show their anger, but they didn't actually want him to be president; so they voted for him the first round but not the second.

It's just as likely that this will happen to Marine as well. The polls aren't in her favor at all. And as the example of her father shows, she's not the worst candidate to ever make it to the second round. It's absolutely fucking retarded to get so worked up, worried and/or angry about this that setting cops on fire seems justified.

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