Frost Mage Hellfire Citadel Guide

10/13H [with guild only] simming at 69k dps with 4p and class trinket, doing ~63k - 74k dps depending on the fight

Replace multistrike enchants with haste enchants and haste gems once you get 4p and the class trinket- start using the 125 haste food [Buttered Sturgeon]- and always have focus augmentation up along with other raid buffs [this should always be the case]- some circumstances have Mark of the Thunderlord doing more damage- but usually you should just stick with Mark of the Frostwolf. Second trinket should be Unblinking Gaze of Sethe. For those talent calculators above- you can replace the third major and minor gylph slot with whatever you want. Usually I just use Glyph of the Water Elemental with Glyph of the Unbound Elemental. Some fights like archimonde make it useful to have Glyph of Blink or Glyph of Rapid Displacement.

Frost really only becomes great once you get 4p and the class trinket. I jumped from simming at around 54k dps last Monday, to doing ~66k dps average on most fights last night, on normal Archinonde, and every boss up until Zakuun, which we stopped at for that particular night.

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