Fuck Ted Rall and his False-Equivalency Bullshit

This comic was originally posted on r/enoughtrumpspam by your typical denizen of r/shitlibrlsssay.

Clinton and Obama have been running the exact same foreign policy and economic policy as both the Bushes, for starters. The only difference is that the Republicans openly pander to bigots, while the Democrats coopt leftist struggles and movements, mould them into a shape palatable enough to the mainstream so it can be used as a marketing tool, then declare victory and jump on the next movement they steal. Just look at gay rights: they promoted white bourgeois male culture as the be-all end-all of LGBTQ culture, passed gay marriage (because nothing says progress like letting LGBTQ people participate in an ancient outdated system rooted in misogyny), and declared themselves the winners. Go and ask any black or Latinx gay man how great they have it now due to the Democrats' grand victories.

The choice is between inhuman neoliberalism and inhuman neoliberalism with a thin veneer of progressivism.

/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam Thread Link - i.imgur.com