[WP] A violent, bloody war as reported by world renowned journalist; Dr. Seuss

There came a time, in the land of the Free. When some people decided, that Free should not be.

So they plotted and schemed, sowed misery and sorrow. And carefully constructed, a brand new tomorrow.

Among them a man, hated more than than the rest. He decided that he was, simply the best!

The Trump hated freedom! The whole freedom season! Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.

The Trump set his sights, on the white house to run. And the people thought hey! This could be fun!

So they gave him the keys, and the codes to the Free. And put him on top, where the whole world could see.

I'm Trump the Grump! Oh, marvelous me! For I am the ruler of all that I see!

The Trump laid waste, to friendships and treaties, to pacts proctecting forests, and scorned official duties.

The people began to realise, that they might have been wrong. The trees had no voice, the lorax was gone!

Your Majesty. Please… They began to complain. But down here below, we are feeling great pain.

There voices were quiet, as if from a speck of dust. If they yelled a bit louder, someone must hear them, they must!

We’ve GOT to make noises in greater amounts! So, open your mouth, Everyone! For every voice counts!

Let us hope that a Horton, will catch a glimpse of our pain. Let us not become a Wasn't, Sitting sobbing in the rain.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread