Gamergate will never lose power until major developers pluck up the courage to actually say the word "Gamergate"

The problem is that then they just deflect it as being unknown individuals and wont admit that it's the entire group not just random unknown individuals. (Just like they always do.) If you specifically mention the leaders/prominent figures, most wont care since they're so entrenched in their own world.

When you're that deeply entrenched in your cognitive dissonance and projection, you don't change even if a physical hand came out of the screen and slapped you. Look at Anders Brievik, he's way off the deep end. Did beyond horrible things, was arrested. Tested to see if he was clinically insane. Has had years to go over his actions while in jail. And still believes the crap that he wrote. He still believes he has a society backing him, and he still believes what he did was necessary.

This isn't to say all members of GG are that delusional. However, some of the key players are. Whether it's due to medical problems, life problems, being stupid, or just plain old being a steaming pile of turd, it's how they are.

They shrug off CP. They then truly believe it was the people reporting the CP that are at fault.

Although I do wish that companies would specifically name GG in addition to having their stances against harassment, I don't think it would help much - if at all. For the most part, they're beyond the point where self-reflection is possible. Those that are still in GG at this point generally only change when their own group starts attacking them and kicks them out anyway. As horrible as it is, I think that's the only way that GG will actually end is by cannibalizing itself or getting bored.

Naming might help with preventing new users from joining. However, I think most new participants are either A) So blissfully unaware that it wouldn't help anyway, or B) Are joining specifically for those reasons (to harass, are an MRA, or are otherwise horrible as is).

/r/GamerGhazi Thread