Geranimo Toxic & INT feeding (watch 02:36:41 till games over, tries to justify it post game)

inb4 downvotes but I'm trying to see this from an objective point of view.. or at least try to understand where he is coming from

death 1 (2:24:20) - if karma had all inned with him they stood a very reasonable chance of coming out on top

death 2 (2:29:30) - low mana, karma b. probably should have backed off. lucian bard capitalize on the 2v1. greedy for the cs? maybe a bit.

death 3 (2:31:14) - wu and gera on different pages. gera walks up hoping that karma and wu will follow up. fizz, bard, luc vs wu, draven, karma. gera's thinking they could win the 3v3 isn't unreasonable. thing is he tries to bait/engage as the adc.. when wu should have just walked up to engage. but that didn't happen.. wu pinged back and gera didn't back

death 4 (2:33:40) - wukong comes in for the counter gank, then leaves. it's clear at that point that wukong is fairly averse to taking any risks at all. gera and karma seem fed up with wukong's passive playstyle at this point. given riven's tp, quite feasibly could have ended up on top again. oh even riven is chiming in at how the wukong is playing.

here wukong begins calling geranimo a toxic streamer seemingly out of no where. given the situation of these deaths and then this wukong going from pretending to be nice to calling him toxic. you can maybe see how one can be tilted.

edit: this part of the stream is muted, but it's possible that the wu heard gera saying negative things about him on stream. although this is fairly commonplace among streamers.. choosing to vent to viewers instead of projecting it in game where it'll affect teammates.

while i don't feel that it's right for Geranimo to be playing with such little care (not fair to the victor), i'm just playing a little devils advocate and trying to get an idea of where he may be coming from. because by watching from the time given in OP's title.. it seems a little skewed to say it's completely his fault.

Miscommunication is def the source of many frustrations in league. so i'm just trying to be unbiased.

TL:DR karma and wu are not on the same page as geranimo leading to tilting deaths.

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