Germany may 'rethink' Turkey ties after two more Germans detained: Merkel

I don't want to shatter your world views, but Energy in Germany is MUCH more expensive than in the US.

no kidding.

do you really think I somehow know that german residential customers pay out the ass while big german corporations get reasonable rates, but that somehow I don't know that in the aggregate germany has the most expensive electricity outside of majorca and malta?

siemens makes out like a bandit while german citizens turn off 40 watt lights when they leave every room.

"The push toward renewables has come at a price.[citation needed] According to Forbes, the IEA reports that in 2015, German prices were 17.9 cents per kwh for industry, and 39.5 cents per kwh for residential customers, versus 7 and 12.5 cents respectively in the U.S.[8]"

But that's basically just steel and Aluminium production, no one else gets those.


why are you so into germany btw?

they also take advantage of the shitty EU economies to lower their currency price. that's the only reason they give one flip about the EU. if they had to float the deutschmark it would go to $1.85.

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