Girl called whore for walking by immigrants and then has egg thrown at her

.....This isn't at all true.

What do you wanna say about North Korea? Or any other country that has been destroyed by outside influence?

There was once a nomadic culture in Africa, and after Europeans came in they drew arbitrary boarders, destroying the ability of this tribe to be nomadic because of their inability to travel though their traditional hunting migrations, and the society started to die.

An anthropologist came in and later suggested the culture be destroyed by taking individuals and sending them all over Africa.

He saw these people, who were dying and in terrible states, and blamed it on them, saying they were shit. When in reality an outside force came in, fucked their way of living, and the dying culture was then seen as a fault of the individuals within that culture, and not because they had been made desperate by outside forces.

Please, please think a little further before you speak.

If you don't believe me, feel free to look into Syria before the war, or Iran in the 60s, if you need any more information to help you empathize and understand a little more feel free to let me know.

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