Girlfriend’s history looms over our relationship. How to stop it doing so?

Multiple reasons really...

  • I was dirt poor most of the time I was with my ex, like actually penniless. By the time my career got going the rot has set in.
  • My ex had some severe issues in terms of her behaviour. We had an incredible bond in some ways but she could switch to being unbelievably nasty to me (saying she could do better, manic episodes to the extent she faked a suicide attempt once)
  • She has a grudge against some of my family and also her own family all hated each other, so whilst we talked of a wedding we had no idea how it could work.
  • She lost interest in sex early on. We tried to fix it for years but couldn’t, apart from occasional bursts.
  • To be honest I never truly believed she’d say yes. She loved me deep down but I think always thought I wasn’t quite good enough for her.

So no, I didn’t do this with my ex and hopefully the above explains it a bit.

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