Girls Don't Like Talent In Soccer


Maybe I'm too empathetic, but I'm telling you, what I went through was pure hell.

I went from 5am runs- school a.m. practice - school -school p.m. practice - club - home by 10 p.m. rinse and repeat for years to PT 3 times a day. Can't walk, can't run, can't help field balls, I couldn't do shit. I even had an asshole of a SB coach tell me how pathetic I had become, why was I trying when all I did was disappoint the team b.c. I couldn't play anymore. I was never going to play again so get over it and come back to SB. My soccer coach nearly physically strangled her over that- that felt good at least.

Your right, what that girl did to me was bullshit. What that girl did in the video was horrible and incredibly dangerous. I've been viciously kicked, stepped on, tripped, body slammed in soccer. And I was a monster right back, I never intentionally hurt anyone or aimed to cause injury. I was raised better than that by both my parent and coaches.

Wouldnt I wish something relatively mild as losing her ability to play... ? No. You don't understand. Losing your ability to play isn't a mild life hurdle. It was my air, it was my contestant body aches, the bread I ate and water I drank. Soccer was my LIFE. I loved feeling so fast, and strong, and powerful. On the field that was MY goal, my field, my box. I will run you down until you can't breathe, till your quads gave up and seized, till you're arms feel like they'll drop off, and still I'd run, and swing, and pass, and defend.

She fucked up, being red carded and benched for half the season is usually enough to reach a lesson. Plus the other teams asskicking. For shit like that I've seen the refs look the other direction, once even the foulee's coach didn't step in. That girl deserves a beating. But still no, I wouldn't wish what happened to me on anyone.

To this day I have knee problems, after countless surgeries my knee still gives out. I will never play again. My heart rate is elevated and I'm crying as I write this, it's been almost 12yrs since my injury and what I lost still pains me to this day.

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