[Giveaway] Squad up with Razer!

e also gamers and big fans of Apex Legends.

With special thanks to the mods, we’d love to share some of our stuff with redditors here by doing a giveaway. We’re hooking 3 lucky guys up to win (separately) a Razer BlackWidow Elite, a Razer DeathAdder Elite and a Razer Kraken Tournament Edition.

Here’s how to win – leave a comment below to tell us what’s your main and why you like using that Legend. Winners will be chosen randomly from all valid entries on 8 March 2019 (PST).

Main: Bloodhound

Bloodhound has such an interesting kit. Besides having a cool and slick visual design, his kit allows you to play more aggressive which suits my playstyle. Seeing tracks, being able to follow enemies paths in CQC, and having a teammate who is a Bangalore makes for great plays. Ulting late game with a Bangalore on your team can give you such a huge advantage in securing the win, allowing you to flank and even aim better with noticing the red outlines from distance. His ult combined with a spitfire or fully kitted peacekeeper makes for some intense and fun battles

/r/apexlegends Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it