I had an abortion and lied about still being pregnant. Now I just want to die.

I know it feels like your entire world is falling apart, but not having a baby with this man is probably good for both of you. You broke up with someone who was very unforgiving and you can focus on rebuilding your life now.

Basically, you've gone through a very bad break up that takes the friend group with it. Like all the other women who post here about bad break ups, you too can get over this.

What you have is a new start. It's going to take time, but eventually you'll piece by piece rebuild your self worth. Women post here every day about having 0 friends in adulthood, so many are in the same boat as you where they have to put in extra effort to build a friend group.

I think that there's a lesson in this for you. When you got the abortion and then lied about it, you did it because you couldn't say no to people you loved. You were under a lot of duress: from your parents to get the abortion, and from your spouse to stay pregnant. You tried to please both of them.

Rather than investing your self-worth in what other people think of you, I think that this is a big wake up call to regain your independence, rediscover your own beliefs and plans for your life, and learn to say no to people. It doesn't seem like it now, but this is a valuable lesson that will make the rest of your life much healthier going forward.

If I were you, I'd write both your parents and your SO a very short note saying: "I'm very sorry that I lied. My parents said they would disown me if I stayed pregnant and my partner said he would leave me if I got an abortion. I felt trapped. I lied because I was paralyzed with fear about how my parents and my partner would react. I wish I hadn't gotten the abortion, but I can't take back that decision now. These have been the worst and most stressful five months of my life and I know I've hurt all three of you. I'm not asking you to forgive me. I'm just writing to apologize. I'll back off for now and wait for you to contact me going forward, as I try to rebuild my life on my own."

As for your friends, the intimate details of your uterus isn't really any of their business. You did lie to them about it, and if you want to apologize, you could send them something similar.

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