Do you have a hard time judging other men's looks?

Oh, but they do. Men have the same feedaback on their looks as women do. When you see a woman - even better when she's thin and pretty, that way you know you are really attractive - spends all of her time around you, even tho she could be easily be spending time with her female friends, you know she is attracted to you, and that you are highly desirable.

Guys don't really pay attention to their surroundings, and that's sorta sweet. A man's level of looks depends on the level of looks the women who want to spend time with him, have. If you find yourself constantly surrounded by attractive women and you are not working as a dentist, then you know they consider you to be in their league, and they are attracted to you.

Hahaha, no. Sure, for hundreds of years, women did pair up with men(not that they had much of a choice, sadly) based on what the guy could do, not what for he looked like. But now young women are more educated than young men, make more money than young men, and women now seek 100% only good looks/height when they seek for one night stands, FWBs and relationships.

Women are far more visually-oriented than men, actually. If a woman is healthy looking(not overweight) most guys can find something attractive in them. Most women are not going to find most men attractive, regardless of the fact that the guy(s) aren't overweight.

It is what it is. Men who are good-looking should dedicate their lives to sleeping with women - like my male friends do - and the men who aren't attractive should just give up, because we can't compete with a 6'2'' with perfect teeth and a face carved by the gods.

Even if the women we want looks as average or as bad as we do, she'll only be with us because she can't get the 6'2'' young adonis, so she settles. And she is not attracted to us. Had that happen to me several times. It's not a good feeling, bos.

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