Hate crime charges filed against 4 in torture of teen

Awhile back a celeb tweeted that she felt bad for POC being attacked by trump supporters and I commented that it's messed up she didn't comment on the trump supporters being attacked as well. Essentially I had an argument with some guy who kept saying it's not as big of an issue because the real problem is Trump endorsing whites to attack non believers or whatever the fuck he was trying to say. However, I'm pretty sure hatred can be on both sides of political prefences. And this right here is the main point. It's not the politicians, it's the people. No matter what side of the political scale you are on attacking others (and to this extent) is never ok. I hope that Twitter user is repenting to me rn because this is disgusting no matter what color or race the perpetrater and victim are. Politicians are dirty but the people are the ones participating in these actions. So reddit, let's always remember even though our political discussions can get heated, at the end of the day we just need to show each other love.

/r/news Thread Link - abc7chicago.com