He won’t delete his ex’s nudes and thinks it’s stupid I’d break up with him for it

Last night I made my mind up, but everyone else sees this as weird right? He told me verbatim “if you’d throw away our whole relationship over this then you can go” dude it’s PICTURES OF YOUR EXs??? NAKED. WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT KEEEEEEEPIJG THEMMMMMM. He finally said he would do it today. And that he just kept forgetting, he set a reminder on his phone to delete his ex’s nudes? Oh my god. He called me asking him to do this one thing to make me comfortable and make me stop worrying about it as an “obsession” a fucking obsession. It really fucking hurts my feelings that I’m not worth this level of basic respect. I told him he can do whatever he wants with fucking porn just keep it limited to your browser, then I don’t ducking care but this man this is insane.

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