Hello LoseIt, let me tell you a bit about myself!

What a nice story! I hope you reach your goals. My journey has lasted a few years now unfortunately. I didn't really realize I'd put on weight, I mean it was brought to my attention twice but I never really paid it any attention or really even cared, but one day I went to my doctor and go weighed...the scale said 143 pounds; the highest of my life. I was used to weighing 115/120 so this was a very unpleasant reality. I decided that day that I was going to get back down to my high school weight. It didn't hit me how unfit I was until I tried to do some sit ups and couldn't do a single one...how embarrassing! I put together a full body routine that was roughly 20 minutes long, and ran 15 minutes every day of the week eating 1200 usually less for a month and a half and lost the first 13 pounds. I was proud. It rained one day and I didn't work out, the next day I didn't want to work out and that was the beginning of the end. I never went back. I maintained the new weight of 131 for a year still eating 1200. At some point either the low calorie catching up to me or a new medicine I was on I began to seriously binge eat something I'd never done before. It felt like I just could not control myself so I started seeing a nutritionist and every two weeks at my appointment I'd gained two more pounds, this consistently continued until I hit 183 pounds, my new highest. Then two months ago I started eating 1200 again and within a month or so and dropped to 172. Within the last month however I've gotten off track with my eating again and have gained back four of those pounds. My nutritionist feels I am setting myself up for failure eating as little as 1200/1300 calories a day so he has me eating between 1600 and 1800. I'll do that for a month or so see if I gain or lose or stay the same and adjust accordingly. I have plans to start working out again so most likely that's where my weight loss will actually come from...I just have to do it. I'm hoping to be at my goal weight before the end of the year...it's entirely doable. Wish me well!

/r/loseit Thread