[HELP] I hate and resent my dog. This is long. I need help.

I'm so sorry for your situation. I have two challenging dogs, one with daily incontinence and mobility issues who'll never grow out of it and one humongous, poorly-socialized teenage hellion that we adopted at 9 months who is and will hopefully continue to be improving.

It's hard - one time our rescue pug pooped the bed three times in one night. She poops in the house at least 1-2x day but we can usually at least get her to not do so in the bed. She has a lot of issues that require constant vigilance and it's exhausting.

Our the teenage great pyr-border collie-golden retriever mix has herding, protection and prey drive instincts which makes it a daily battle to wear him out, keep him from herding or stressing our goats and chickens to death, and not be overly scary at the dog park (even if he's a gentle giant inside).

We love our dogs but some days their needs make me cry and I'm even home to work with them all day. In your case with the chewing, that absolutely trumps the incontinence and misbehavior - it's embarrassing and upsetting and expensive and gross, and she can't stop herself and you're doing everything you can.

My sister's dog had cancer and outlived her diagnosis by an unexpected amount of years but the last two-three years my sister had to wrap her dog's tumors multiple times daily, or else she'd chew herself bloody, and it got to be so horrible that my sister didn't know what to do. Blessedly the tough old gal finally had a definitive moment in which it was time to let go, but much like you, my sister was unwilling to put her down just because of temporary physical discomfort when the rest of her day was happy. It wore so hard on my sister, and I can so understand why it wears on you.

I think you should find a breed-specific rescue and rehome. You deserve time to heal and eventually, a dog you and your wife both feel good about. You've tried everything and sometimes it's for the best to let go, as many rescues have fosters who can work with her and find a home who might be a better fit, not in the least saying you didn't give it your all because you absolutely have.

Best of luck to you :(

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