Help!! Some advice please? I am having a little bit of anxiety

Honest question have you read any of Neville books? I’ve read and listened many over 10 times to reprogram my mind. His books explain everything.

Doubts are natural just as success is natural. It’s all on what you focus and give feeling to. I simply focus all my attention on success and barely have doubts anymore. When I do doubt I accept it and refocus. I imagine a day full of success and maintain the end feeling and Imagery. It always comes for me. It will for you just keep practicing. It’s just basic subconscious reprogramming. It’s obvious you’re not living in the end or changed your self image because of this post. Ignore what everyone thinks and think and feel independent of any situation. You’re focused on the scholarship when I would be focused on landing a six figure salary.

/r/NevilleGoddard Thread Parent