Help with proper pain management due to injuries sustained during CPR

It appears you have done nothing other than request and research narcotic pain medications - and continue to do so. To reiterate what I posted the first time you asked this question.

"Pain medication rarely evacuates the pain completely, but makes it more tolerable. Trauma to the chest wall can be notoriously difficult to treat as it is impossible to completely immobilize the chest (breathing is required). If you have point tenderness, you might consider topical lidocaine patches that numb a particular spot without side effects. You might also do well with medications that treat neuropathic pain, like gabapentin or pregabalin, or a muscle relaxant, like Tizanidine."

These are all nice adjuncts to narcotic medications, acetaminophen and NSAIDs (the last of which are excreted by your kidney, by the way). Medications working in combination are often the most effective with the least untoward effects.

No I love my nurses ad techs. They are great. But the doctors are all pretty insufferable.


From what? They dared to perform their job? Frankly you sound like a colossal douche nozzle. What makes you such an expert? Obviously the stellar care you've given your body up to now resulted in chest compressions and an intubation. You clearly know what's best. Since the doctors, who saved and then have maintained your sorry life, are so insufferable, why deal with them?

Make an appointment with your primary physician. He/she will understand what a special snow flake you are...what? No, of course not, you don't have one of those either?

I agree with the first poster. No one is sending you home on 30mg of Oxycontin twice daily with no way to monitor this. Good luck.

/r/AskDocs Thread